Thursday, March 14, 2013

Going going... Back back... You know the rest!

We made Cali in great time today and I pretty much slept the whole way. This group of classmates is legit. So much fun!

We are getting ready for our mixer tomorrow at the PR conference and it will be great to meet some of the people involved.
(photo above bowling at the mixer)

Jo Metcalf from the Conen show will be meeting with us tomorrow to discuss more of what she does for a living. An alumni at UVU, she graduated in PR and now works in entertainment in LA.

- I want to ask her, why she got involved in the entertainment industry.
- how is it working for Conen?
- Was this always something you wanted to do?

We went to Newport beach today and it was beautiful. We then had dinner at Fashion Island and did some shopping.

All the fun stuff starts tomorrow!!

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